Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Break

So I've been on summer break for 2 weeks this coming Wednesday.  I must say I am so ready to be back in school.  Our quarters are 12 weeks long with a 2 week break between except for xmas I think they give us 4 weeks. My expected graduation is for September of 2011 just as long as I have the 1500 hrs required to take my state board license test. I currently have 170 hrs and once I have 200 hrs  I can start working on the salon floor part time. I am very excited to get on the floor.  I really like cutting hair, and everything else there is to do with hair.  I find it very easy to learn.  It's as if I've been there before, like maybe in another life.  Anyways 2 nd quarter begins July 15th and I am very excited.  In this quarter we will be learning Chemicals!!!!!!!! This is so going to be my fav.  I must pay close attention, I want to be a color specialist someday. I love working with colors and making statements.

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